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We all like to travel, it is not a recent phenomenon that, for whatever reasons, the natural desire to move or the desire to get to know other lands, people or cultures, there are more and more people who visit other places, and that naturally entails that there is an accumulation of people in the most publicized or emblematic points of the cities. Lisbon, where I am based, is no exception. It is not that we are going to discover anything that is not already widely discovered but there are numerous places, gardens, streets, squares, churches, museums. neighborhoods, everything you want that perhaps deserves more attention to visit and thus would allow us to escape a little from what is the overcrowding of the most traditionally designated places or those new rituals that often become fashionable, it is not known why. .


Like the cream cakes, it is true that they are good but isn't it that in some way their fame prevents you from knowing other cakes that are as interesting or more interesting (and without having to queue)? 


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